New Screenshots of a New Area

Lots of Updates since last post and new Areas added:

- Fixed textures on trees, rocks, grass, bushes and some characters to make sure every 3D model gets as good looking as possible along with the best performance in gameplay.

- Finished up the first part of a City.

- Added a Sanity meter that will go down as the days passes. If the Sanity hits 0, then Slaug will... Become.. DARK SLAUG with a side story to unlock. (This is however optional). Eating and sleeping restores Slaug's Sanity.


Next to do:

- Continue on with the rest of the central areas.

- Also return to the west side of the game map and expand the Graveyard Area.

- Make a new area later on called the Asylum.


Made in RPG Maker MV to see how far this engine can be pushed.

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